
Many satisfied customers. Let us add you as a satisfied customer.

About us

Learn about our goal to meet or exceed your expectations.

Established 2010

Although the company was established in 2010, the experience with technology specification, implementation, testing and supporting goes back to a childhood fascination with electronics and music. Continued in college with a specialization in chemical laboratory data collection, analysis and reporting. As a Textile Manufacturing manager; process monitoring, production planning, cost accounting and Marketing information system management were added. You will benefit from this varied background of a lifetime experience.

Life long learning is a passion of ours.

There is something to learn in every situation. Always keeping an open mind and yet grounded in standards of operation and a single step diagnostic training brought success and an opportunity to learn constantly. Let us utilize our knowledge base of a broad base of experience to your benefit.


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Why choose us

Our main differences

We focus on treating all customers with respect. Our goal is to meet or exceed your expectations. We address technology issues with a “human touch” that allows you to be treated as a person not a machine. We resolve issues to your satisfaction.


Over 30 years of accumulated experience with managing production computer systems and 50 years experience with audio electronics components.


In a fast evolving field of operation, basic skills of single step diagnostics and root cause analysis leads to successful resolution of issues.


We are committed to your satisfaction with all elements of service: courtesy, delivery, cost effectiveness and technical effectiveness.

Unable to work? Your computer freezes?

We’ll help you get back to work.
Fast and Qualitatively.
